Thursday, August 14, 2008

Randolph Itch 2 AM

I've never been a big fan of Tom Toles. He's OK, but a bit overrated, IMO. However, while going through my tearsheet file, I came across this. The comic ended less than 10 years ago, but I figure that not many people know about this anyway.

Randolph Itch 2 AM was a panel feature Toles drew for United Features. It ran from 1/3/2000 to 7/13/2003, although it continued to appear in reruns until October of that year. Apparently, when Toles got hired by the Washington Post, part of the new deal required him to end this feature. Bummer.

It was Toles' second attempt in syndicated comics. His other feature, Curious Avenue, ran in the early 1990s, through Universal Press Syndicate.

1 comment:

  1. I just read through the 30 or so Randolph Itch cartoons that I had saved on my computer and chuckled at nearly every one, and laughed out loud at some. In other words, I respectfully disagree with your statement that Toles is overrated. Maybe you are referring to his editorial cartoons, which I have not seen. Anyway thanks for posting this panel, which I don't recall seeing.
